Friday, April 26, 2013

Being Present Is a Gift (haha...get it?)

Despite the very corny post title, I am very serious about this new goal of mine:  Be present.  I've realized that, way too often, I have no awareness of what's happening in the present moment (i.e. driving on the highway, adrift far into the depths of my mind, only to snap back to reality unsure of whether I'm on 476 or the turnpike because I haven't been paying attention to the present moment.  I've just been going on autopilot.)  Rather, I'm lost in my own head, usually dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future.  I've found, though, that if I can focus only on the present moment, be fully aware, be fully present in my own life, then all the dwelling and the worry gets drowned out.  It makes sense...the past has happened, it's gone and it's never coming back.  Reflection is one thing, and it has it's time and place for sure, but dwelling is never helpful.  On the other hand, the future isn't here yet, and is never guaranteed.  So, why not focus on right now...the one thing we know is real, we know is definite, and which we can control?

Just like any bad habit, it takes time to change.  It takes a conscious decision to recognize your wandering thoughts, and bring them back to the here-and-now.  But, I've found that those moments in which I'm most present, are the ones in which I'm also the most content.  There is a lot to appreciate in this world if you care to take notice.

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