Friday, April 19, 2013

Another Chapter

In the book of my life, I feel like most chapters are defined by a relationship.  What I find interesting (and I'm not sure yet exactly what I mean by "interesting") is how definitive an ending some of those chapters have come to have.  Of course, there are recurring characters in my life.  But, then there are those that have come and gone, completely, some without much warning, others a long time coming.  It's hard to wrap my head around the idea that I could be so close to someone, call them a best friend, say we're in love, whatever the case may be, and then one day, that chapter is over and they vanish from my life.  But it happens.  It's happened to me several times for one reason or another.  Some chapters have ended and I've never looked back.  Others still call to me sometimes, and I have the urge to peek back at a page or two.  Just to relive the good times and try to remember with fondness instead of resentment or hurt.  But that's the problem with my book.  The chapters that tempt me are the ones I really should never look back on, because in my head and my heart, they are not truly closed.  Supposedly time heals all wounds.  Some chapters take more time than others to complete.  Meanwhile, I fight the urge to flip back to a familiar page.  And just keep hoping that the next chapter will be the best one yet.

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