Thursday, March 28, 2013

Life Is So Unfair

I try to do what's "right."  But what if what I know in my heart to be right is completely wrong to some of the most important people in my life?  What if I've finally gotten what I've been looking for, but admitting that could potentially destroy something else that means so much to me?  I realize I'm kind of talking in code, and there's a reason for that.  People who know me well will probably get it.  But, regardless, I need to vent.  I just want to know, at what point, if ever, is it okay to put my happiness first?  I truly believe in second chances and open minds.  But, not everyone shares that perspective.  It's not fair for me to have to give up something that could make me so happy because of the opinions of others, no matter how important they are to me.  Yet, while I am 100% confident in my perspective, and in my "right" choice, I feel as though I'll pay for it either way.  The difference being who gets hurt, me or someone else.  I deserve to be happy.  And I deserve for the people I love to be happy for me.  So, why is this so impossible?  Life can be so unfair. :-(

1 comment:

  1. today is lady gaga's birthday. she is my validation at this late stage in the game for being who i am, finally, without apologies. hey, the road less travelled is dim and lonely, but you'll have peace of mind as a travel companion and a destination of happiness to journey towards.

    don't listen to naysayers. do what makes you happy.
    take it from me.
