Friday, March 22, 2013

30 Days

Well, it's been 30 days.  So, did I stick to the no alcohol plan?  Nope.  It turns out I have more of a social life than I realized.  But, I did stick to one important part of it, and that's no drinking alone/at home.  And mood-wise, I definitely do see an improvement, and it's a rule I plan to continue following.  In fact, I don't even miss it anymore.  I do still want to cut down on the social drinking, though.  It's not good for my waistline.  I blame it on the Winter.  It's too cold to be outside, sooooo.... go to a bar!  Once it gets warmer out, though, I'd like to take advantage of the outdoors more (and this time I don't mean the deck of the Manayunk Brewery) and be more active.  So, the war is far from over, but at least one battle has been won.

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