Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Goodbye, Old Friend

I made a big decision yesterday...no alcohol for 30 days.  It may not seem like a big deal, but it is for me.  Would I consider myself an alcoholic? No.  I can control it.  Have I been abusing alcohol?  Absolutely.  I've used it way too often to self-medicate, yet I know it only exacerbates the problem.  I feel gross afterwards, not to mention the hundreds of extra calories I surely don't need.

The hardest part, I think, will be not being able to go to bars. I'm not a person who can go to a bar and just drink water or something under most circumstances.  So, my social life may suffer a bit,  but I don't have too much of one to begin with.  And it will be a good opportunity to find new things to do.  In terms of a standard cost/benefit analysis, I definitely expect the benefits to outweigh the costs.

After 30 days alcohol-free, I expect the following:
- increase in general well-being, both physically and mentally/emotionally
- weight loss
- increased happiness
- increased self-esteem

I'm sure there will be more benefits, but those are the biggies.  And they would all be HUGE gains for me. I figure it'll be like the South Beach Diet of alcohol...cut out alcohol entirely, and then start integrating it back into my life, but in much smaller amounts.

 I feel really good about this.  Welcome, Day 2!

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