Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Search Begins...

I am 31 years old, single (previously engaged, but called it off), stuck in a job that I'm ready to leave, generally incapable of being alone without the company of alcohol, and I feel like I'm watching the world pass me by.  While I know that I actually have it pretty good, unfortunately, I can't seem to find comfort in that, when my heart is aching, and my brain is spewing negativity.  However, I also know that the ache and the negativity are not caused by the external factors I complain about; they are the direct result of the missing connection between me and, well, me.  So I'm starting a journey. Not only to find this "me" hidden inside, but to really, truly, genuinely love her.  I am confident that, only then, will I know true happiness, no matter what or who else I have.  So, here goes nothing.  The search begins.  Come out, come out, wherever you are. ;-)

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