Wednesday, July 4, 2012

And With a Flip of a Switch...

It's like a switch flips.  When it's up, I'm up.  When it's down, I'm down.  And some days, it's just stuck somewhere in the middle.  Today is one of those "somewhere in the middle" days.  But I'll take it.  I feel like, logically, I know all the tricks. I know exactly what I'm supposed to do, but it just doesn't work like that.  I know that I have it better than the majority of people in this world, and that I have a lot to be thankful for.  So, why can't I just focus on that and be happy?  That's one thing I hope to learn; how to place more emphasis on the positives and keep that switch in the "up" position.  Seems simple.  So I guess, first, I have to find out why it's not.  And then go from there.

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