Sunday, December 28, 2014


Like a breeze, she can feel it, but she can't quite grasp it.
"I can be everything you want," she thought, "if only you'd give me the chance."
This is nothing new, this situation that she's in.
"I'm only human," she tells him, "I will make mistakes."
And just as the breeze begins to slow, and the stillness settles in, she breathes in the memory,
Smells the stench of regret mixed with the perfume of destiny.
Someday, she will have it all.
Someday, she will silence the noise.
Someday, she will bury the doubt, and hope will bloom in its place.
And so she sits in the dark, glowing from within
Because the only light that needs to shine comes from a place no one has seen.
She wonders what he's thinking as their fingers intertwine.
"Let me come inside," she says, though he knows not what she means.
He holds her slightly tighter to avoid the revelation.
Someday, she will break the wall.
Someday, she will find the way.
Someday, she will illuminate the world with her smile.
As she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.
The magic of the moon washes over her soft skin,
Spine-tingling, like the sweetest nightmare.
The lucid reality of a love that never was
Lays its head on her pillow and kisses her forehead,
Whispering, "Goodnight."